May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here. -- Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Leftists' Language While Denouncing Right Wing Violence

I've yet to see any right wing violence like the Left usually does, like assassinations, murder, blowing up buildings, riots, clashes with the police. Apparently the use of metaphors, similes, and symbols are violent.

Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation: "What about the violence in the wake of the congressional action? Isolated incidents or signs of a dangerous anger?" He was going to interview "Republican firebrands, South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann". Demint and Bachmann are 'firebrands'?. When I was a Leftist, our firebrands were the Chicago Seven, Abbie Hoffman, Allen Ginsberg, the Weather Underground. But Bachmann and Demnint? ummmmmm Schieffer: "Senator, we saw some pretty scary stuff last week....We saw members' offices that were trashed. We saw death threats....Do you think the parties have an obligation to try to tone down some of this runaway rhetoric? Is it, in fact, dangerous?" Leftists actually destroy things and kill people, and rhetoric is dangerous?

This is from a fundraiser for "Democracy for America", a Democrat campaign orgaization brought to power by Howard Dean. Alan Grayson, a Dem congressman that had said Republicans want to kill babies and wants Americans to "die quickly": "These [health insurers] have decided that if it costs too much to keep a child breathing, then this child will die. They will deploy their lawyers and their accountants, to make sure that this child dies." Does any sane person really believe that Republicans want to kill babies to make a profit? If you do, go get some help. (By the way, by reminder, when Obama was an Illinois politician, he voted that babies surviving an abortion attempt were not to be saved, but left to die. Who wants babies to die?)

Here's a nice one by Leftist talk show host (yes Virginia, there is such a thing)Mike Malloy, who sent a letter to Fox News, naming several of their on air personalities: "eat s**t and die you right wing geeks". This while blasting his political opposition for their hateful, violence inciting speech: "People like me who say that if Limbaugh, and Beck, and Hannity, and the rest of these clowns, in their incitement of the brain-dead followers, if there is another Murrah Federal Building incident, or one similiar to it, these guys ought to commit suicide. That would be the honorable thing to do."

Hey! Let's Forget What We Did, It's Really Tea Party Movement That's Violent

Even though the Left, Dems and Jurassic Press have only been able to release a few angry voice mails with expletives deleted, they would have everyone believe that they are the victims of extreme right wing violence. Meanwhile, a real attempted murder on a Republican, Congressman Eric Cantor, goes essentially unmentioned. The guy has actually been arrested for plotting to kill Cantor. Tea Party people go out in the middle of the desert (Searchlight) and protest, go to town hall meetings, local Tea Party protests, and march on DC, yet most of the hate speech and violence reported in the press at those events were by plants by Democrat operatives, knuckleheads, and SEIU thugs. I've documented these incidents in previous blogs. Here's a stroll down memory lane on how Bush, Cheny and Rove were treated by the Left for eight years, and it was entirely acceptable by the Democrat Party, Peolsi, Reid, and the rest of that bunch.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Motivating Your Child To Do Well In School

Not Christian, Not American

I have no words of understanding or tolerance of these low life bottom sucking scumbags of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas. These are the knuckleheads that stand outside of a military cemetery and have signs displayed for the friends and family of soldiers killed in action to see while going to bury their dead.

They say, among other things, "Thank God for dead soldiers", "America is Doomed", "God Hates the USA", "Thank God for 9/11", "Priests Rape Boys", and "Thank God for IEDs". They do this despicable thing because they say America is tolerant of homosexuality, and object, they say, to the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.

Now comes along the courts, alleged dispensers of justice, causing the father of a dead Marine, that just wanted to bury his son that was killed in Iraq, even more grief. The father was so offended that he filed suit against the alleged Christian church. Fred Phelps is the leader of this hate cult, and he has somehow been able to turn the tables on this poor father, possibly causing him financial ruin.

The father, Albert Snyder, was awarded by a Baltimore jury damages for emotional distress and invasion of privacy. That was overturned by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals because as vile as the signs are, they are protected free speech. Okay, we can accept that. The 4th went beyond that and has ordered Snyder, the father, to pay the anti-Christian cultist Phelps $16,510.

Snyder not only doesn't have the money, but is struggling to come up with fees to file with the Supreme Court. He said he didn't have any intention of paying the Westboro Baptist Church until after the case is heard before the Supreme Court. Hopefully some law firm that believes in justice will help Mr. Snyder out.

The same U S court system that revels in releasing serial pedophiles, not only reverses the decision, but out of thin air, for no known reason (no details of how the court reached its decision are available), visits financial destruction on the father of a man killed in action. How did that get so turned upside down? My blood is so boiling about this...

The Baptist hierarchy must censure this church, and if Phelps is indeed a Baptist minister, should remove him from the ministry. There is nothing Christian, no Love or tolerance, or care being shown here. If the Baptist's don't sanction this poor excuse for a man, and rip the name "Baptist" from that vile church, then shame shame shame on them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Those Violent Tea Party People vs the Loving Left

All the Dems are boo hoo whining at the threat of violence from the Right, and Tea Party people, because they are in a "rage" about Obamacare. Now the Jurassic Press have all these made up scenarios of violence and threats of violence.

Here's an article I posted in August of 2009 by William White about the Jurassic Press ignoring Leftist violence.

Whenever there's a G8 meeting, Leftists from all over the world descend and destroy property to the tune of millions of dollars and clash with police.

Does anyone remember the riots by the Left that took place at the 2008 Republican Convention?

How about this despicable vid by, made about the same time Pelosi compared Tea Party attendees to Nazis? Pelosi gets a pass, but Palin said "crosshairs" and "targeting" Democrat politicians and their districts in the next election and they with their lap dinosaurs in the Jurassic Press have a hissy fit.

Of course the Dems are in fact the party of racism and hate, and inciting people to violence. Just a few historical facts to back that assertion here.

Norman Leboon, registered Democrat and Obama contributer, fired bullets into Eric Cantor's (R-VA) campaign office in Virginia, along with this:
My Congressman Eric Cantor, and you and your cupcake evil wife… Remember Eric…our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given. You are a liar, you’re a Lucifer, you’re a pig, a greedy fucking pig, you’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.

In 2009 Leftists riot in Pittsburg against the G20, causing many injuries and $millions in damage.

Can we forget the 'award winning' film about the assassination of G W Bush?

Can anyone, truly, think Tea Party attendees acting like this:

CNN/Searchlight/Tea Party Express

CNN reported that there may be a hundred, maybe dozens of people at the Searchlight Rally this past Saturday.
Traffic still getting in an hour after the event started.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Taking a Vaca

The Metaphysical Peregrine will be on vacation in Utah until next week. Being with old friends, meeting with an old friend I haven't seen since the early 1990's, walking around in the high mountains, brooks and streams, clean air, and trees. Trees are a big deal. I live in the desert. We get a little green, cactus and shrubs, in the spring, then brown brown brown.

For fellow members of my Faith, a most joyous Palm Sunday. All glory is His.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Ongoing Battle to Drive Legally

Back on March 4, I wrote that the state of Nevada says I'm not me. It happened when I went to renew my driver's license and I had a birth certificate with a different name than the one I have now. I have a court document with the family name change but with only my father's name.

With my name, Dexter, I've served in combat in the Army in Vietnam, and when I was in the Navy, I had a top secret clearance with this name.

I've been working with the San Bernardino Superior Court, and so far they only found the court document I already have. I remember my dad telling me this was all I would need in the future, which was true when I joined both the Army and the Navy, but not proof enough for the state of Nevada DMV. The Superior Court clerks, that I talked to today, said they'll try and find additional documentation, and hopefully someone old enough that still works there can testify to the fact that when fathers changed their last name, then all his family were changed. Kudos to the clerks I'm working with, they are doing yeoman's work.

The law firm that represented our family no longer exits, this was back in 1958, and the address where they were located is now the 'Bee Hive Clip Joint'.

The newspaper this was published in, as the order of record, no longer exists. I've written the existing Upland newspaper if they know where "The Upland News" archives are located.

Good grief, all I need to do is renew my driver's license. By the way, the reason for all this is because of a national security marking required to be on drivers' licenses; that has already been circumvented by the bad guys.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Vote Down the Throats

The Vote came down to this.

U.S. House Roll Call Votes On Passage of the Bill "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (H.R. 3590) Sunday, March 21, 2010.

YEAs: 219 (Voting yes were 219 Democrats and 0 Republicans)
NAYs: 212 (Voting no were 34 Democrats and 178 Republicans)
(There are 4 vacancies in the 435-member House.)
How each Congressman voted here.

It's estimated that this bill will add somewhere between $1.5 - $2 Trillion, while at the same time saving billions and reducing insurance premiums by 3000%. The 3000% is a quote a couple days ago by Obama. How costing trillions more reduces costs and lowers the deficit is a mystery to me. Whenever I spend more money, I have less of it. When I borrow money and spend it, I shoot right past zero and have less than less of it.

Here's one accounting trick the Dems are using. They will collect revenues for Obamacare for four years before spending or "outlays". Of course they will use that money for their other Statist programs, not invest it in health programs.

Doctors will receive cuts in Medicare payments; so do you think they will continue to provide Medicare services? Would you work for less money? About 30% of doctors say they will change professions. These are smart people, and have plenty of professional options open.

Taxes: $409.2 billion in additional taxes by 2019, and who do you think will pay those? Of course the Dems say rich people will, but rich people can hide their wealth. Who's left? You, middle class America. The "poor", the nearly half of the population that doesn't pay taxes, get an even bigger free ride. Do you have a really good policy? Cadillac plan penalties of course won't be paid by union members, rich people have their own coverage, and poor people get a free ride. Who does that leave? Middle class people. We're talking about a 40% excise tax. If you're a small businessman making $250,000...that's your income from your business that is taxed as personal income, would you expand your business so you can pay more taxes?

Need a wheelchair? Taxed an extra 2.3%. How's that for compassion? I have several friends in wheelchairs, and every one of them struggles financially. Need a hip replacement? Added tax.

Business. They already know it's cheaper to pay the fines to not cover their employees than cover them. Insurance executives that get paid over $500,000 will be penalized, and will not be able to take deductions. Someone want to show me where in the Constitution it says the government can control private citizens' pay?

This last really caps all this. Citizens who don’t buy insurance will be fined $325 in 2015 and $695 in 2016. After that you can get penalized as much as 2.5 percent of your income in 2016, if the total is greater than the flat payment. Someone want to show me where in the Constitution the government can force citizens to buy a product and fine them if they don't? Dems say health care is a "right". Can anyone show me a "right" that you decide not to indulge, that you'll be fined and/or sent to prison?

Complete esoteric details of tax, prison, fines, and the rest of this unconstitutional mess here.

My suggestion, after Obama signs this, if you have a complaint about your insurance company, call your representative and senator. Have a complaint about your doctor, call your representative and senator. When your insurance rates go up, call your representative and your senator. If you're on Medicaid, and your state decides it's cheaper not to have it, that the Fed's have to carry the weight, and you're denied care, call your representative or senator. If the cost of your meds go up, and they will, call your representative or senator. I say all this because they know better than you and your doc how to treat what ails you. Next time you're in the DMV, and waiting forever to be called for a 10 minute transaction, just be thinking, "Boy! I can't wait until my medical care is so great!"

By the way, Leftist CNN has new poll today, shows 59% of Americans are against this. Before today 52%-56% against.

Even more esoteric details of this plan here.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Benny Hinn vs Joel Olsteen (vid)

I'm not a fan of either; have problems with both. I think though, the Hinn has a point here.

What Olsteen said:

If through these preachers some get connected to Christ and find salvation, it's a good thing. Olsteen preaches motivational prosperity and says little about Christ and Salvation. Hinn has said some things on the goofy Pat Robertson level. Olsteen said "I don't know" way too much here. These are the things that enemies of Christianity hang their hat on, and I would certainly like to see more care given to their words. The truth of Christianity, is in the people doing acts of kindness, and how they behave, and how churches reach out and help; how they serve others.

A Couple Prayers

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things pass away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
— St. Teresa of Avila

and from St. Patrick’s Breastplate Prayer

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

I bind unto myself the Name,
the strong Name of the Trinity,
By invocation of the same,
The Three in One, and One in Three.
By Whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word;
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.

Quotable Quote-Pope John Paul II on Socialism

“The fundamental error of socialism is anthropological in nature. Socialism considers the individual person simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism, so that the good of the individual is completely subordinated to the functioning of the socio-economic mechanism. Socialism likewise maintains that the good of the individual can be realized without reference to his free choice, to the unique and exclusive responsibility which he exercises in the face of good or evil. Man is reduced to a series of social relationships, and the concept of the person as the autonomous subject of moral decisions disappears.”

Governing Against the Will of the People (vid)

Congressional calls against this bill got up to about 100,000 per hour this past week. There have been large protests nationwide. There was a large protest in D C. If millions of people were against, and protesting against Republican legislation, it would lead every news program and be above the fold on every paper. Seen much from the Jurassic Press? Other than support for it that is...

I read and heard in several places that Republicans pulled this kind of reconciliation maneuver several times; problem is they haven't been able to provide any examples. The reason is the reconciliation meetings were for budget reasons, according to law.

Obeying the law isn't something the Dems approve of:

"There Are No Rules Here ... We Make Them Up As We Go Along"

I usually avoid politics on the weekends, but today the Dems are calling for a vote so they can force their Statist vision on Amerika.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Spring ideas for your garden



  1. Peace of Mind
  2. Peace of Heart
  3. Peace of Soul


  1. Squash gossip
  2. Squash indifference
  3. Squash grumbling
  4. Squash Selfishness


  1. Lettuce be faithful
  2. Lettuce be kind
  3. Lettuce be patient
  4. Lettuce really love one another


  1. Turnip for meetings
  2. Turnip for service
  3. Turnip to help one another


  1. Thyme for each other
  2. Thyme for family
  3. Thyme for friends



Best Explanation of "Slaughter Rule" by Mark Levin (vid)

The Dems ignore the Constitution all the time, but this is brazen by even their standards. Making amendments to a bill that has not passed, have the prez sign the amendments, and "deem" the bill passed, and voila!, the bill becomes law. Say what?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fess Parker - A Tribute

Fess Parker as Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett, characters that were childhood hero's to many of us in the 50's and 60's. I had a Daniel Boone coonskin cap, lunch pails of each, and a Davy Crockett watch. Of course we played his characters out in the back yard. He passed away today at age 85.

He was 6'6" and bigger than life. Ahhh, the adventure! He'll always be a legend. That group of big men, Ed Ames, James Arness of "Gunsmoke", Buddy Epsen, Gregory Peck, John Wayne, what an era...just will always have a special place for those of us that got to experience the stories and actors.

Fess Parker retired from show business after 22 years, and became a real estate developer, plus had a huge winery.

He was married to his wife Marcella for 50 years.


Boy Scouts Anniversary-Did You Miss It?

I missed it, didn't see it, or hear about it, in the Jurassic Press at all. Of course they're against the Boy Scouts, mostly because the Boy Scouts Organization doesn't want male pedophile homosexuals being scout leaders. One would think after what happened in the Catholic Church, there might be a lesson learned there. Guess not.

Here's a typical comment from what coverage there was:
"They're young symbols of virtue, honest, trustworthy, doers of good deed and builders of camp fires." "For a century now, the Boy Scouts have been the living image of a creed that's both corny and charming in its innocence." Ron Claiborne, ABC's "Good Morning America"

The Boy Scout's Creed: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." Surely deserving of mockery, who would want young men to act like that?

The Statist courts that set free pedophiles on a regular basis, consistently rule against the Boy Scouts. Jurassic Press articles and shows consistently demean and mock the Boy Scouts.

March was the 100th Anniversary of this great group that teaches young men to be good citizens, disciplined, and kind. The Jurassic Press used the whole month to bash them and have on gay activists to support their vile, lying, disrespectful agenda against people with traditional values. Very little was said about how many young men benefited, and how society has benefited from the training and direction given by the Boy Scouts.

I say, stay the course Boy Scouts! Here's to 100 more years of kindness, reverence and respect for all.

MSM Worships, You Don't Get to Decide IX

ABC News sinks yet further with the hiring of uber-Statist, anti-American Christiane Amanpour to replace Clintonista George Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos kept around Jurassic Press propagandists Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts to support their progressive agenda. Every week the program was loaded with Leftists and only George Will was left to present the Conservative perspective. To get an idea where Amanpour is coming from:

Pro Communist:
“Like these young dancers, Carlos [Acosta] benefited from Cuba’s communist system because it not only recognizes physical talent, it nurtures it, whether it’s baseball, boxing, or ballet.”

Anti Christian Bigot:
“On [Christian youth activist Ron Luce’s Honor Academy] campus, students must follow a strict set of rules: No secular music or television. No R-rated movies. No alcohol. No drugs. No dating... When I, you know, read that women have to wear skirts of a certain length and guys aren’t allowed to, you know, go on the Internet unsupervised, I mean, I think, you know, totalitarian regimes.”

Defending Obama re: Nobel Peace Prize:
“Can I just say, I think it’s overdone, this pushing back against his award. He’s obviously done something very significant, and that is, after eight years in which the United States was really held in contempt around the world, the United States has now had a new relationship with the rest of the world.” (Plus the Leftist template that the U S was held in contempt by the world, when it was only held in contempt by the enemies of democracy and other Statists.)

On the Press:
“I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self-muzzled. I’m sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did....The entire body politic...did not ask enough questions, for instance, about weapons of mass destruction. I mean, it looks like this was disinformation at the highest levels.” The Jurassic Press, her included, bashed Bush and all members of his administration incessantly for eight years. I hate to think what they would have said if their freedom of speech weren't curtailed by the jackbooted Fox News reporters. Working from the mass weapons template of the Dems and Jurassic Press, when nearly all intelligence services and nearly all Dems said that there were weapons.

No one wants to hear this stuff, which is why the ratings for all the major networks are plummeting, and fewer are watching the Sunday morning talking heads shows.

What ABC needs is someone like Bill Sammon, Byron York, or Jim Glassman to name a few that have journalistic integrity and skills, and something other than a Statist supporting template.